Check Your Business Name For Free

If you‘re looking for registering a business, picking an eligible name is a must. Free Entity Name Check allows you to check the availability of your desired business name with no cost!

Your proposed business name


hong kong flag
Hong Kong

Entity Name*

Entity Type*

Private Limited Company (LTD)


Tell us how we can communicate with you about the result

First Name*

Last Name

Email Address*

The information is required

Let Us Cover Your Need

We‘ve made it simple to find out your unique name!
What you need to do is just to complete the form with a few pieces of information. Please feel secured as we keep all of your information private. We will then check if it is available to reserve or already in use and inform you shortly.

How It Works ?


Search the company registrar of your given incorporation country


Check if your desired name can be reserved or was already in use


Inform you about the name check result


Decide to reserve the name (if available) or proceed with the company formation now

Frequently Asked Questions

Know more about our nominee service with commonly asked questions.

Does my entity name need to be unique?

Yes. Every entity must be attached to an identical business name. Your proposed name shall be rejected by the Company Registrar if it is found to be similar to other existing names in that jurisdiction of registration.

What are the requirements for naming a new company?

Naming requirements for registering an LLC can be varied according to each jurisdiction. Typically, the following criteria are applied widely in most incorporation countries:

  • The name should not be the same as the name of other companies
  • The name should not show offensive meaning or be opposed to the public interest as per the opinion of the Registrar
  • The name should not contain in its name restricted words/expressions as prescribed in the company laws

The name must have suffixes corresponding to its type of business entity – i.e., “Limited” or its abbreviation “Ltd” for a limited liability company.

If I want extra protection for my business name, what should I do?

Trademark registration for your business name is a good choice if you want to add a stronger layer of protection to your registered company name.

What should I do if my desired company name is not available?

You can try another entity name using our Free Entity Name Check to see if it is available. In case you need more practical advice on how to choose an eligible name, you can also talk to our consultants for help.

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